Emergency Numbers
YFU Student Emergency: 800.424.3691
YFU Travel Emergency: 202.774.5211
US Department of State, Exchange Visitor Program (EVP) Emergency Hotline: 866.283.9090
Outside the US, contact your local office: yfu.org
YFU USA Mailing Information
Youth For Understanding USA
3995 Fashion Square Blvd
Suite 2
Saginaw, MI. 48603
United States of America
P 989.777.4420
800.TEENAGE (800.833.6243)
Call us at this number to talk with us about hosting, study abroad and volunteer opportunities or to schedule a classroom presentation.
Study Abroad and General YFU Inquiries: info@yfu.org or 1.800.TEENAGE (800.833.6243).
Hosting Inquiries: hosting@yfu.org
Volunteer Inquiries: Volunteers@yfu.org
YFU Direct Office Line: 202.774.5200
Media Requests: Media Kit
Fax: 877.231.2681